API Documentation Classic and REST Versions

Direct Payment Intro

The L2P Transaction WebService allows you to submit direct ACH or Credit Card transactions against your customers’ bank or credit card accounts. The L2P Transaction WebService will help you expedite those transactions for which you already have ACH and Credit Card data on file.

The L2P Transaction Webservice can be used for creating profiles and sending transactions where the merchant already possesses the required authorization. Using the L2PtransactWebService a client can easily interface any TSYS supported reader to submit transactions.

Thru the L2P Transaction WebService not only will you have the ability to submit ACH and Credit Card transactions but you will also have the capability of running a lookup function that will help you track the transaction(s) history.

To get started follow these instructions:

  1. Review this documentation in its entirety
  2. Download the L2P Transaction Webservice Sample Application by clicking here
  3. Download the WSDL file and review it in its entirety
    To obtain the corresponding WSDL for testing purposes click here
  4. Once you are ready to move to production, please register your client(s) by clicking "Register" on www.linked2pay.com and completing our simple 5 step registration process.
  5. Begin using the L2P Transaction Webservice and start accepting payments!

For more information about linked2pay's API please email us at: supportteam@linked2pay.com

If you would like to try out the JSON-oriented REST Web Service Features, click here to try, no account registration needed.

DIRECT PAYMENT Direct payment to target accounts


Authentication will take place before a method is called. Only authenticated users are able to execute these methods. Click here to learn about how authentication works.

Methods: L2PTransactionWebService

This Webservice contains methods to submit ACH and Credit Card transactions, as well as methods for you to do a lookup call and retrieve transaction request history.

Name Description
submitUserInfoRequest This method submits the login parameter, containing login authentication information to linked2pay and linked2pay returns you your Client Details.
submitAchRequest This method submits the achRequest parameter, containing your customers’ bank account information. linked2pay will then process an ACH Transaction based on your request.
submitCreditManualRequest This method submits the creditManualRequest parameter, containing your customers’ credit card information. linked2pay will then process a credit card transaction based on your request.
submitCreditSwipeRequest This method submits the creditSwipeRequest parameter, containing track data read from your customers’ credit card. linked2pay will then process a credit card transaction based on your request.
submitFollowUpRequest This method submits the followUpRequest parameter, and will initiate an ACH or Credit Card transaction against the Customer Reference ID profile you specify. To use this method a customer and their payment information must first be boarded through the Action Component that exists in the complex type: L2pAchReqType, complex type: L2pCreditManualReqType, and complex type: L2pCreditSwipeReqType.
submitLookupRequest This method submits the lookupRequest parameter, containing lookup data, for L2P to process and return Data Record details.
submitHistoryRequest This method submits the historyRequest parameter, and retrieves all of your submitted transaction requests and payment details. Transaction details include but are not limited to, 'Transaction ID', 'Status', 'Effective Date', etc.
To view details of each method, click the button below.

Direct Payment Method Details

Method: submitUserInfoRequest


This method submits the login parameter, containing login authentication information to linked2pay and linked2pay returns you your Client Details.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.


A userInfoResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
RspText string Response description.
UserData UserDataType L2P User associated with the login credentials.
ClientData ClientDataType L2P client associated with the L2P user
ProcessOptionData ProcessOptionDataType Processing options of the L2P client.
TemplatesData TemplatesDataType L2P templates of the L2P client.
Method: submitAchRequest


This method submits the achRequest parameter, containing your customers' bank account information. linked2pay will then process an ACH transaction based on your request.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
achRequest L2pAchReqType Input Represents an ACH data (bank route, account, etc.) that will be submitted to L2P for processing.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
AuthCode string Authorization Code. A unique identification number assigned to each of your linked2pay Transaction Requests
AuthAmt amtType Total Amount paid for your request. This only applies to Credit Card Transactions.
BalanceAmt amtType (Optional) Remaining balance on card (applies to EBT Transactions only).
Refid string Unique Reference Identification Number assigned to your customer.
Method: submitCreditManualRequest


This method submits the creditManualRequest parameter along with your customers' credit card information. linked2pay will then process a credit card transaction based on your request.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
creditManualRequest L2pCreditManualReqType Input Represents a credit card transaction request against your customers credit card account.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
AuthCode string Authorization Code. A unique identification number assigned to each of your linked2pay Transaction Requests
AuthAmt amtType Total Amount paid for your request. This only applies to Credit Card Transactions.
BalanceAmt amtType (Optional) Remaining balance on card (applies to EBT Transactions only).
Refid string Unique Reference Identification Number assigned to your customer.
Method: submitCreditSwipeRequest


This method submits the creditSwipeRequest parameter, containing track data read from your customers' credit card. linked2pay will then process a credit card transaction based on your request.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
creditSwipeRequest L2pCreditSwipeReqType Input Represents the swiped credit card data to be submitted to L2P for processing.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
AuthCode string Authorization Code. A unique identification number assigned to each of your linked2pay Transaction Requests
AuthAmt amtType Total Amount paid for your request. This only applies to Credit Card Transactions.
BalanceAmt amtType (Optional) Remaining balance on card (applies to EBT Transactions only).
Refid string Unique Reference Identification Number assigned to your customer.
Method: submitFollowUpRequest


This method submits the followUpRequest parameter, and will initiate an ACH or Credit Card Transaction against the Customer Reference ID profile you specify.

To use this method a customer and their payment information must first be boarded through the 'Board Customer' method in the achRequest method, manualCreditRequest method, or the creditSwipeRequest method.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
followUpRequest L2pFollowUpReqType Input Represents an ACH or Credit Card transaction that will be processed against the Customer Reference ID profile you specify.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
AuthCode string Authorization Code. A unique identification number assigned to each of your linked2pay Transaction Requests
AuthAmt amtType Total Amount paid for your request. This only applies to Credit Card Transactions.
BalanceAmt amtType (Optional) Remaining balance on card (applies to EBT Transactions only).
Refid string Unique Reference Identification Number assigned to your customer.
Method: submitLookupRequest


This method submits the lookupRequest parameter, containing lookup data, for L2P to process and return Data Record details.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
lookupRequest L2pLookupReqType Input The data to be lookup up by L2P.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
Rows LookupDataRowsType Lookup Data Details.
Method: submitHistoryRequest


This method submits the historyRequest parameter, and retrieves all of your submitted transaction requests and payment details. Transaction details include but are not limited to, 'Transaction ID', 'Status', 'Effective Date', etc.


Name Type Direction Description
auth L2PAuthenticationData Input Data object that contains authentication information based on user's choice of authentication method.
historyRequest L2pHistoryRequestType Input Represents the query you will invoke to pull all of your ACH and Credit Card Transaction History.


A transactionResponse element has the structure defined by the following table:

Name Type Description
RspCode int Response code.
ErrorCode int Error Code.
RspText string Response description.
ErrorMsg string Error Message Description.
Rows HistoryDataRowsType Transaction Request Details.
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Complex Types: L2PTransactionWebService

Name Description
AchDataType This represents a linked2pay ACH transaction request.
AddressType This represents a U.S. mailing address.
CheckImageType This represents a check from the customer that is used for payment. Check image data should be formatted as a JPEG image, and turned into a Base64 encoded string before being sent to linked2pay.
ClientDataType This represents a linked2pay clients (Merchant) information and settings.
CustomerDataType This represents the personal information of the customer that payments are created or retrieved for.
EncryptionDataType Represents the data type of encryption.
FieldDataType Represents a linked2pay template field.
FieldsDataType Represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a linked2pay template.
GeoLocationType This represents a geophysical location on a map where you can collect payment.
HistoryDataRowsType Represents rows of linked2pay transaction details.
HistoryDataType Represents the payment details for a linked2pay request.
L2pAchReqType This represents a linked2pay ACH payment request.
L2pCreditManualReqType This represents a manual credit card payment request.
L2pCreditSwipeReqType This represents a L2P credit card request, which contains card data obtained with a card reader as well as standard customer and template data.
L2pFollowUpReqType Represents an ACH or Credit Card transaction against the Contact ID profile you specify.
L2pHistoryRequestType Search criteria for your History Lookup request.
L2pHistoryResponse Represents the response after a linked2pay transaction history request submission.
L2PAuthenticationData Represents a linked2pay Users login credentials. These credentials grant access to the L2P Website and mobile application, in addition to these Webservices.
L2pLookupReqType Represents a linked2pay lookup request.
L2pLookupResponse Represents the response after a linked2pay lookup request submission
L2pUserInfoResponse Represents data returned by a L2P login request.
LookupDataRowsType Represents data that is 'looked up' by the submitLookupRequest method.
LookupDataType Represents request data that has been 'looked up' by the submitLookupRequest method.
ManualEntryType This represents credit card data for a manual entry credit card transaction.
ProcessOptionDataType Represents settings for accepting ACH and CC payments and gateway credentials.
ReqFieldsType Represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a L2P template.
ReqFieldType This represents a custom template field.
SignatureType This represents the signature of the customer that the payment request is for. Signature data should be formatted as a JPEG image, and turned into a Base64 encoded string before being sent to L2P.
TemplateDataType Represents a L2P template, which can be managed from within the linked2pay website.
TemplatesDataType List of template objects.
TrackDataType Represents data read from a magnetic card.
UserDataType Represents a L2P User, most likely this will be the user authenticated by the L2PAuthenticationData object.
fingerprintBlock A bundle of information, containing user's sequence number, timestamp and a 16-character generated fingerprint
To view details for each complex type, click the button below

Detailed list of all Complex Types in the Direct Payment Web Service

Complex Type: AchDataType


This represents a linked2pay transaction request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Transaction Type achTranType 0..1

Specifies the type of transaction; possible values are: Credit or Debit. (DEBIT / CREDIT)

If Credit, then this will debit your merchant account and credit your Contacts account.

If Debit, then this will debit your Contacts account and credit your merchant account.

RoutingNumber routingNumberType 0..1 Routing number of the bank account.
AccountNumber accountNumberType 0..1 Account number of the bank account.
AccountType accountType 0..1 Type of the bank account, acceptable values are PERSONAL or BUSINESS.
DepositType depositType 0..1 Type of account the deposit is to be made to, acceptable values are SAVINGS or CHECKING.
AuthorizeBy authorizeByType 0..1 The authorization type of the request, values include ONLINE, TELEPHONE, and WRITTEN agreements.
Complex Type: AddressType


This represents a U.S. mailing address.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Address1 string 0..1 First line of the address.
Address2 string 0..1 Second line of the address.
City string 0..1 City of the address.
State string 0..1 State of the address.
Zip string 0..1 Zip Code of the address.
Complex Type: CheckImageType


This represents a check from the customer that is used for payment. Check image data should be formatted as a JPEG image, and turned into a Base64 encoded string before being sent to linked2pay.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
encoded string 1..1 Base64 encoded string of the customer's check.
Complex Type: ClientDataType


This represents a L2P client (Merchant) information and settings.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
ClientId clientIdType 0..1 ID of the L2P client.
ClientName clientNameType 0..1 Legal Business name of the L2P client.
ClientDba clientDbaType 0..1 DBA of the L2P client.
ClientPhone phoneType 0..1 Phone number of the address for the client.
ClientAddress1 addrType 0..1 First line of the address for the client.
ClientAddress2 addrType 0..1 Second line of the address for the client.
ClientCity cityType 0..1 City of the address for the client.
ClientState stateType 0..1 State of the address for the client.
ClientZip zipType 0..1 Zip Code of the address for the client.
ClientSettings string 0..1 Bitwise representation of the settings for the client.
Complex Type: CustomerDataType


This represents the personal information of the customer that payments are created or retrieved for.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Name cardHolderNameType 0..1 The customer's full name, or business name.
Address1 addrType 0..1 (Optional) Line 1 of the customer's address.
Address2 addrType 0..1 (Optional) Line 2 of the customer's address.
City cityType 0..1 (Optional) City of the customer's address.
State stateType 0..1 (Optional) State of the customer's address.
Zip zipType 0..1 (Optional) Zip Code of the customer's address.
Phone phoneType 0..1 (Optional) Phone number of the customer, accepted formats include: (123) 456-7890, 123-456-7890, and 1234567890
Email emailType 0..1 Email address of the customer, used to send payment receipts, etc.
Complex Type: EncryptionDataType


Represents the data type of encryption.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Version encryptionVersionType 1..1 This determines what data will be found in the encryption fields.
EncryptedTrackNumber encryptedTrackNumberType 0..1 Required for encryptiondata version '02' when track data is supplied. This indicates whether track 1 or track 2 has been provided.
KTB encryptionKTBType 0..1 Required for encryptiondata version '02'.
Complex Type: FieldDataType


This represents field settings used for a linked2pay template.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Label string 0..1 Label for the template field.
FieldType fieldType 0..1 Type of the template field (Numberic, Alpha, etc.).
Required booleanType 0..1 True if the field is required, false otherwise.
Complex Type: FieldsDataType


Represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a linked2Pay template.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
FieldList FieldDataType 1..* List of template fields.
Complex Type: GeoLocationType


This represents a geophysical location on a map where you can collect payment.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Latitude string 0..1 The latitudinal position on a map for a payment.
Longitude string 0..1 The longitudinal position on a map for a payment.
Complex Type: HistoryDataRowsType


Represents rows of linked2pay transaction details.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
HistoryData HistoryDataType 0..* Represents L2P Transaction details..
Complex Type: HistoryDataType


Represents the payment details for a linked2pay request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
TransId string 0..1 Identification number of the payment request.
Status string 0..1 Numeric status of the payment request.
StatusText string 0..1 Text that is displayed for the returned status.
Date string 0..1 Date of payment submission.
Amount string 0..1 Dollar amount of the payment request.
Name string 0..1 Customer’s Legal Name or Business.
Email string 0..1 Customer’s email address.
Type string 0..1 The request type (ACH, CC).
Last4 string 0..1 Last four digits of the bank account used.
RepeatFlag string 0..1 Flag set if payment is scheduled to recur.
PymtSrc string 0..1 Name of where payment originated (Virtual Terminal, Mobile, Payment Page, or Online Form).
EffDate string 0..1 Date in which funds are funded to deposit account.
SigImg string 0..1 Image representation of the submitted signature.
FieldList ReqFieldsType 0..1 (Optional) List of 0 or more custom fields associated with the payment request.
Complex Type: L2pAchReqType


This represents a linked2pay ACH payment request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
AchData AchDataType 1..1 ACH data of the payment request.
Amt amtType 1..1 The payment amount requested.
TipAmt amtType 1..1 (Optional) Tip amount added to the requested amount.
TemplateName string 1..1 The name of the L2P template to be used. Templates can be managed from the L2P website..
DataId longType 1..1 (Optional) ID of data that is retrieved with L2P's lookup method.
RefId string 1..1 Unique Customer Reference ID assigned to your customer.
CustomerData CustomerDataType 0..1 Information related to the customer associated with the payment request.
Ecommerce eCommerceType 0..1 (Optional) Represents the type of payment to be created, accepted values are: ECOMM, MOTO, and RETAIL (default)
Action string 1..1

REQUEST_TOKEN_AND_AUTHORIZE - Board customer and submit transaction;

REQUEST_TOKEN - Board Customer

CheckImage CheckImageType 0..1 (Optional) Image of a check for the bank account associated with the payment request.
Signature SignatureType 0..1 (Optional) Signature of the customer associated with the payment request.
FieldList ReqFieldsType 0..1 (Optional) List of 0 or more custom fields associated with the payment request's template.
EmailReceipt booleanType 0..1

Two possible values here are: YES or NO.

If NO, then email payment receipts will not be delivered to your Contacts.

If YES, then email payment receipts will be delivered to your Contacts. if false then receipt email is not sent.

Complex Type: L2pCreditManualReqType


This represents a manual credit Card payment request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Action string 1..1

REQUEST_TOKEN_AND_AUTHORIZE - Board customer and submit transaction;

REQUEST_TOKEN - Board Customer

RefId string 1..1 Unique Customer Reference ID assigned to your customer.
ManualEntry ManualEntryType 1..1 Manually entered Credit Card Transaction Request.
Amt amtType 1..1 The payment amount requested.
TipAmt amtType 1..1 (Optional) Tip amount added to the requested amount.
TemplateName string 1..1 The name of the L2P template to be used. Templates can be managed from the L2P website..
DataId longType 1..1 (Optional) ID of data that is retrieved with L2P's lookup method.
CustomerData CustomerDataType 0..1 Information related to the customer associated with the payment request.
Ecommerce eCommerceType 0..1 (Optional) Represents the type of payment to be created, accepted values are: ECOMM, MOTO, and RETAIL (default)
Signature SignatureType 0..1 (Optional) Signature of the customer associated with the payment request.
FieldList ReqFieldsType 0..1 (Optional) List of 0 or more custom fields associated with the payment request's template.
EmailReceipt booleanType 1..1 If false then receipt email is not sent.
Complex Type: L2pCreditSwipeReqType


Represents a L2P credit card request, which contains card data obtained with a card reader as well as standard customer and template data.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Action string 1..1

REQUEST_TOKEN_AND_AUTHORIZE - Board customer and submit transaction;

REQUEST_TOKEN - Board Customer

RefId string 1..1 Unique Customer Reference ID assigned to your customer.
TrackData TrackDataType 1..1 The magnetic card track data.
Amt amtType 1..1 The payment amount requested.
TipAmt amtType 1..1 (Optional) Tip amount added to the requested amount.
TemplateName string 1..1 The name of the L2P template to be used. Templates can be managed from the L2P website..
DataId longType 1..1 (Optional) ID of data that is retrieved with L2P's lookup method.
CustomerData CustomerDataType 0..1 Information related to the customer associated with the payment request.
Ecommerce eCommerceType 0..1 (Optional) Represents the type of payment to be created, accepted values are: ECOMM, MOTO, and RETAIL (default)
Signature SignatureType 0..1 (Optional) Signature of the customer associated with the payment request.
FieldList ReqFieldsType 0..1 (Optional) List of 0 or more custom fields associated with the payment request's template.
EmailReceipt booleanType 1..1 If false then receipt email is not sent.
Complex Type: L2pFollowUpReqType


Represents an ACH or Credit Card transaction against the contact Reference ID profile you specify.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
RefId string 1..1 Unique Customer Reference ID assigned to your customer.
Amt amtType 1..1 The payment amount requested.
TipAmt amtType 1..1 (Optional) Tip amount added to the requested amount.
TemplateName string 1..1 The name of the L2P template to be used. Templates can be managed from the L2P website..
DataId longType 1..1 (Optional) ID of data that is retrieved with L2P's lookup method.
CheckImage CheckImageType 0..1 (Optional) Image of a check for the bank account associated with the payment request.
Signature SignatureType 0..1 (Optional) Signature of the customer associated with the payment request.
FieldList ReqFieldsType 0..1 (Optional) List of 0 or more custom fields associated with the payment request's template.
EmailReceipt booleanType 1..1 If false then receipt email is not sent
TransactionType achTranType 0..1


(applies only to ACH Transactions)

Complex Type: L2pHistoryRequestType


Search criteria for you History Lookup request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
First string 0..1 Allows you to set the number of the transaction you want to start your search from.
NumberOfTransactions string 0..1 Allows you to set the total number of transactions you want search for.
Complex Type: L2pHistoryResponse


Search criteria for you History Lookup request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
RspCode int 1..1 Response code.
RspText string 0..1 Response description.
ErrorCode string 1..1 Error Code.
ErrorMsg string 1..1 Error Message.
Rows HistoryDataRowsType 1..1 Transaction Request Details.
Complex Type: L2pLookupReqType


This represents a L2P lookup request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
TemplateName string 1..1 The name of the L2P template to be used. Templates can be managed from the L2P website.
Lookup1 string 0..1 The first value associated with the look up data.
Lookup2 string 0..1 The second value associated with the look up data.
MyGeoLocation GeoLocationType 0..1 Location the look up request is made from.
Action lookupActionType 0..1 Action to take with looked up data, acceptable values are: MAPIT and LOOKUP
Complex Type: L2pLookupResponse


Represents the response after a linked2pay lookup request submission.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
RspCode int 1..1 Response code.
RspText string 0..1 Response description.
ErrorCode string 1..1 Error Code.
ErrorMsg string 1..1 Error Message.
Rows LookupDataRowsType 1..1 Data details for the data record.
Complex Type: L2pTransactionResponse


Represents the response after a transaction request submission.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
RspCode int 1..1 Response code.
RspText string 0..1 Response description.
ErrorCode string 1..1 Error Code.
ErrorMsg string 1..1 Error Message.
AuthCode string 0..1 Authorization Code. A unique identification number assigned to each of your linked2pay Transaction Requests.
AuthAmt amtType 1..1 Total Amount paid for your request. This only applies to Credit Card Transactions.
BalanceAmt amtType 1..1 (Optional) Remaining balance on card (applies to EBT Transactions only).
RefId string 1..1 Unique Reference Identification Number assigned to your customer.
Complex Type: L2pUserInfoResponse


This represents data returned by a L2P login request.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
RspCode int 1..1 Response code.
RspText string 0..1 Response description.
ClientData ClientDataType 1..1 L2P client associated with the L2P user.
UserData UserDataType 1..1 L2P User associated with the login credentials.
ProcessOptionData ProcessOptionDataType 1..1 Processing options of the L2P client.
TemplatesData TemplatesDataType 1..1 L2P mobile templates of the L2P client.
Complex Type: LookupDataRowsType


This represents request data that has been 'looked up' by the submitLookupRequest method.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
LookupData LookupDataType 0..* Data that is used to 'look up' a data record
Complex Type: LookupDataType


Represents request data that has been 'looked up' by the submitLookupRequest method.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
UserId longType 0..1 ID of the user that created the looked up data.
TemplateId longType 0..1 ID of the template associated with the looked up data.
DataId longType 0..1 ID of the looked up data.
Email string 0..1 Email associated with the looked up data.
Amount string 0..1 Amount of the looked up data.
Address AddressType 0..1 Address of the data, if used with a map.
GeoLocation GeoLocationType 0..1 Geo-location of the data, if used with a map.
Complex Type: ManualEntryType


This represents credit card data for a manual entry credit card transaction.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
CardName cardNameType 1..1 (Optional) The name on the card.
CardNbr cardNbrType 1..1 (Optional) The card's PAN.
ExpMonth monthType 1..1 (Optional) Month of the card's expiration date.
ExpYear yearType 1..1 (Optional) Year of the card's expiration date.
CardType cardTypeType 1..1 (Optional) Type of the card, accepted values are: vis, mc, amx, dis, jcb, and ebt
CardPresent booleanType 0..1 (Optional) True if the card is physically present, false otherwise.
CVV2 cvv2Type 0..1 (Optional) CVV2 security code on the card.
CardZipcode cardZipCodeType 1..1 (Optional) Zip Code of the card's billing address.
Complex Type: ProcessOptionDataType


This represents settings for accepting ACH and CC payments and gateway credentials.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
CcGatewayId string 0..1 ID of the L2P CC Gateway.
CcEcomm booleanType 0..1 True if the gateway is ecommerce, false otherwise.
CcMoto booleanType 0..1 True if the gateway is moto, false otherwise.
CcRetail booleanType 0..1 True if the gateway is retail, false otherwise.
Ach booleanType 0..1 True if the gateway allows ACH payments, false otherwise.
AuthorizeBy authorizeByType 0..1 The acceptable authorization types, values include ONLINE, WRITTEN, and TELEPHONE
Complex Type: ReqFieldsType


This represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a L2P template.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Field ReqFieldType 1..* ID of the L2P CC Gateway.
Complex Type: ReqFieldType


This represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a L2P template.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
label string 1..1 Label associated with the template field.
label string 1..1 Label associated with the template field.
value string 1..1 Value associated with the template field.
Complex Type: SignatureType


This represents 0 or more custom fields associated with a L2P template.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
encoded string 1..1 Base64 encoded string of the customer's signature.
Complex Type: TemplateDataType


This represents a L2P mobile template, which can be managed from within the L2P website.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
TemplateId longType 1..1 ID of the L2P template.
TemplateName string 1..1 ID of the L2P template.
Default booleanType 0..1 True if the template is the default template, false otherwise.
EditAmount booleanType 0..1 True if the amount is editable, false otherwise.
MapEnabled booleanType 0..1 True if the template has map points associated with it, false otherwise.
MapView booleanType 0..1 True if the map view is default, false otherwise.
ZoomLevel string 0..1 Zoom level of the map view.
FieldsData FieldsDataType 0..1 List of template fields.
Complex Type: TemplatesDataType


Represents data read from a magnetic card.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
TemplateList TemplateDataType 1..* List of template objects.
Complex Type: TrackDataType


This represents data read from a magnetic card.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
Track1 trackDataType 1..1 (Optional) Track 1 of card data collected from a card swipe.
Track2 trackDataType 1..1 (Optional) Track 2 of card data collected from a card swipe.
Pin pinType 1..1 (Optional) Encrypted card PIN.
Ksn ksnType 1..1 (Optional) KSN of the card reader.
CVV2 cvv2Type 0..1 (Optional) CVV2 security code on the card.
CardZipcode cardZipCodeType 1..1 (Optional) Zip Code of the card's billing address.
Complex Type: UserDataType


Represents a L2P user, most likely this will be the user authenticated by the L2PAuthenticationData object.

Content Model

Contains elements as defined in the following table:

Component Type Occurs Description
UserId longType 0..1 ID of the L2P user.
UserName userNameType 0..1 Login ID of the L2P user.
UserEmail emailType 0..1 Email address of the L2P user.
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Simple Types: L2PTransactionWebService

Name Description
accountNumberType Represents your customers Bank Account Number.
accountType Represents your customers Type of Bank Account. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Personal, and 2) Business
achTranType This specifies weather the ACH Transaction is a Debit or Credit transaction type.
addrType Represents your customers mailing address.
amtType Represents the amount of your transaction request.
authorizeByType Represents the manner in which you obtained authorization for this transaction request. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Online, 2) Written, or 3) Telephone

Represents logic. Acceptable parameters here are:

1) Y, and 2) N

cardHolderNameType Represents the name on the credit card you are using for the transaction request.
cardNameType Represents the type of credit card being used.
cardNbrType Represents the 16 digit credit card number.
cardTypeType Represents the type of credit card being used.
cardZipCodeType Represents the Zip Code of where the credit card was issued.
cityType Represents the City of your customers’ address.
clientDbaType Represents your companies DBA name.
clientIdType Represents your own unique linked2pay client ID.
clientNameType Represents your companies legal business name.
cvv2Type Represents the card verification value of the credit card being used.
depositType This is used to specify whether the deposit is being made into a regular checking account or into a savings account. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Checking, and 2) Savings
eCommerceType Represents the e-commerce type. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Mobile, 2) Retail, and 3) ecommerce
emailType Represents your contacts email address.
encryptedTrackNumberType Type of encrypted track number.
encryptionKTBType Type of encryption KTB.
encryptionVersionType Type of encryption version.
fieldType Type of field.
ksnType Type of KSN.
lookupActionType Type of lookup action.
monthType Numeric representation of the calendar month.
phoneType Represents phone number.
pinType Type of pin.
pymtSrcType Description of where the transaction originated from.
routingNumberType Represents a bank routing number.
stateType Represents the two letter abbreviation for the State of the address you are using.
trackDataType Type of track data.
yearType Calendar Year.
zipType Zip Code.
To view details of each simple type, click the button below.

Detailed list of all Simple Types in the Direct Payment Web Service

Simple Type: accountNumberType


Represents your customers Bank Account Number.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 17.
  • Value must match the following pattern: ^[0-9]*

Simple Type: accountType


Represents your customers Type of Bank Account. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Personal, and 2) Business

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
PERSONAL Personal bank account.
BUSINESS Business bank account.
Simple Type: achTranType


This specifies weather the ACH Transaction is a Debit or Credit transaction type.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
CREDIT This setting will initiate a debit to your merchant account and a credit to your Contacts bank account.
DEBIT This setting will initiate a debit to your Contacts account and a credit to your merchant bank account.
Simple Type: addrType


Represents your customers mailing address.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: amtType


Represents the amount of your transaction request.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • The number of digits to the right of the decimal point must be less than or equal to 2.
  • The number of digits in the value must be less than or equal to 12.
  • The value must be greater than or equal to 0.

Simple Type: authorizeByType


Represents the manner in which you obtained authorization for this transaction request. Acceptable paramters here are:

1) Online, 2) Written, or 3) Telephone.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
ONLINE Authorization for the transaction was obtained Online.
WRITTEN Authorization for the transaction was obtained through a Written Document.
TELEPHONE Authorization for the transaction was obtained via Telephone.
Simple Type: booleanType


Represents logic. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Y, and 2) N:

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be equal to 1.


Value Description
N Logic that represents ‘No’.
Y Logic that represents ‘Yes’.
Simple Type: cardHolderNameType


Represents the name on the credit card you are using for the transaction request.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: cardNameType


Represents the type of credit card being used.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: cardNbrType


This represents the 16 digit credit card number.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 22.

Simple Type: cardTypeType


Represents the type of credit card being used.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 4.

Simple Type: cardZipCodeType


Represents the Zip Code of where the credit card was issued.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 5.

Simple Type: cityType


Represents the City of your customers' address.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: clientDbaType


Represents your companies DBA name.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: clientIdType


Represents your own unique linked2pay client ID.

Derived By

Restricting int.

Simple Type: clientNameType


Represents your company's legal business name.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: cvv2Type


Represents the card verification value of the credit card being used.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 6.

Simple Type: depositType


This is used to specify whether the deposit is being made into a regular checking account or into a savings account. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Checking, and 2) Savings.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
SAVINGS Savings bank account.
CHECKING Checking bank account.
Simple Type: eCommerceType


Represents the e-commerce type. Acceptable parameters here are: 1) Mobile, 2) Retail, and 3) ecommerce.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
ECOMM Transactions that your customer will initiate.
MOTO Transactions you will initiate through linked2pays Virtual Terminal.
RETAIL Transactions you will initiate via linked2pays Mobile App.
Simple Type: emailType


Represents your contacts email address.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 50.

Simple Type: encryptedTrackNumberType


Type of encrypted track number.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be equal to 1.

Simple Type: encryptionKTBType


Type of encryption KTB.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 304.

Simple Type: encryptionVersionType


Type of encryption version.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be equal to 2.

Simple Type: fieldType


Type of field.

Derived By


Value Description
ALPHA_NUMERIC Combination of alphabetic and numeric characters.
NUMERIC Strictly numeric characters.
DATE Date field with MM/DD/YYYY format.
DATE_TIME DateTime field.
EMAIL Email Field.
LOOKUP Alphanumeric input field.
TIP Dollar amount representing a tip amount.
Simple Type: ksnType


Type of KSN.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 32.

Simple Type: lookupActionType


Type of lookup action.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
LOOKUP Query based on the input Label 1 and Label 2 values.
MAPIT Pin drop on map based on Label 1 and Label 2 values provided.
Simple Type: monthType


Numeric representation of the calendar month.

Derived By

Restricting int.


  • The value must be greater than or equal to 1.
  • The value must be less than or equal to 12.

Simple Type: phoneType


Represents phone number.

Derived By

Restricting int.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 20.
  • Value must match the following pattern: ^[0-9]*

Simple Type: pinType


Type of string.

Derived By

Restricting int.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 16.

Simple Type: pymtSrcType


Description of where the transaction originated from.

Derived By

Restricting string.


Value Description
WEBSRV Payment originated from Webservices.
Simple Type: routingNumberType


Represents a bank routing number.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 9.
  • Value must match the following pattern:


Simple Type: stateType


Represents the two letter abbreviation for the State of the address you are using.

Derived By

Restricting string.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 2.

Simple Type: trackDataType


Type of track data.

Derived By

Restricting string.

Simple Type: yearType


Calendar Year.

Derived By

Restricting int.


  • The value must be greater than or equal to 2000.
  • The value must be less than or equal to 9999.

Simple Type: zipType


Zip Code.

Derived By

Restricting int.


  • Length of value must be less than or equal to 9.
  • Value must match the following pattern: ^[0-9A-Za-z]*

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Other Elements

Error Codes


Negative error code or 0 if call is successful. See error codes list below:

Possible error codes:

Error = -1

Wrong login credentials = 100

Wrong template name = 101

No Credit Card processor found = 200

Invalid Reference Id = 201

Invalid Credit Card = 202

Invalid Customer Info = 203

Invalid Template Id = 205

Name on Card is required = 206

Card Number is required = 207

Invalid Card Number = 208

Exp Month is required = 209

Invalid Exp Month = 210

Exp Year is required = 211

Invalid Exp Year = 212

Security Code is required = 213

Email is required = 214

Invalid Email = 215

Customer Info is required = 216

Card Info is required = 217

Card Type is required = 218

Invalid Card Type = 219

Amount is required = 220

Invalid Amount = 221

Invalid Tip Amount = 222

ACH Info is required = 223

Account Type is required = 224

Invalid Account Type = 225

Deposit Type is required = 226

Invalid Deposit Type = 227

Route is required = 228

Invalid Route = 229

Account Number is required = 230

Invalid Account Number = 231

Invalid length for Name = 232

Invalid length for Address1 = 233

Invalid length for Address2 = 234

Invalid length for City = 235

Invalid length for State = 236

Invalid Zip Code = 237

Invalid length for Zip Code = 238

Invalid length for Phone = 239

Invalid length for Email = 240

Lookup1 is required = 241

Direct Payment Features

The Direct Payment WebService is ideal for expediting both ACH and Credit Card payments for which you already have payment information and the required authorization on file.

Just call our Direct Payment WebService with the payment and authorization information. linked2pay will process the transaction, and you will receive a transaction reference number that can be used for your reporting needs.

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